If the Recession Happened This Year…

There’s been a lot of fear recently that someone is going to fuck this grand economic cycle up. Of course the end of the boom is inevitable, and while players may debate as to when exactly the game will flip, it’s still fun to think about the consequences if it were to flip right now.

The Most Important Indicator on Why a Company Succeeds

I’ve been spending a lot of time as of late trying to determine patterns within successful products that I’ve seen, and I think I’ve finally found one that summarizes each of them pretty well. It’s quite simple, but I think there’s a lot of nuance to be developed here that would set this up toContinue reading “The Most Important Indicator on Why a Company Succeeds”

English vs. Mandarin: Which Will Dominate the World?

While I don’t believe we’ll have a universal language any time soon, it seems like the two obvious answers for one would be either English or Mandarin. This seems like a bit of a fight between east vs west, and I’ve heard good arguments from both sides, but I wanted to see if I couldContinue reading “English vs. Mandarin: Which Will Dominate the World?”

Analysis of “Hustler Culture”

    It’s true; the key to success is, for the most part, hard work. But there’s a difference between working hard and doing hard work. Just because you devote a lot of time to something doesn’t inherently mean that you’re going to perform well in that category. And yet, it seems that a lotContinue reading “Analysis of “Hustler Culture””