The Shame Economy

Okay, so it’s been a bit longer than “a few weeks”, but I did promise back in June in my “How One Joke Can Ruin Your Life” post that I’d elaborate a bit on what I call “The Shame Economy”. My thoughts on that got sidetracked after some time, but I think with some currentContinue reading “The Shame Economy”

The Economics and Politics of Climate Change

The world has unfortunately fallen behind on its promises to turn back climate change. While the Paris Accord seemed to be a step in the right direction, things have fell apart since the US split off. Meanwhile, the rapidly increasing supply of renewables in China appears to have been cut short by a sudden decreaseContinue reading “The Economics and Politics of Climate Change”

Why the Democrats will be Screwed in 2020

As two major democratic debates occurred this week, I couldn’t help notice a monotony of voices coming out from social media talking about each of the candidates. This monotony appeared to be fairly worrying, assuming you’re a Democrat. In fact, after this past week, I can say with almost certainty that I believe that DonaldContinue reading “Why the Democrats will be Screwed in 2020”

Why it’s Impossible for the Illuminati to Exist

Since conspiracies tend to be fairly popular lately, I decided to give my own take on one of the most popular conspiracies of all. Pretty much every group has some variation of the “centralized power” conspiracy, where one large group owns the majority of the world in secret. Some popular examples include the Illuminati, Freemasons,Continue reading “Why it’s Impossible for the Illuminati to Exist”