Strategies for David, Versus Goliath

At some point in your life, you’ll be dealing with someone a lot more powerful than you are. Most of the time these people will likely have a neutral impact, or even help you in your life and career. But sometimes — just sometimes — they can have bad intentions. Here are some tips forContinue reading “Strategies for David, Versus Goliath”

English vs. Mandarin: Which Will Dominate the World?

While I don’t believe we’ll have a universal language any time soon, it seems like the two obvious answers for one would be either English or Mandarin. This seems like a bit of a fight between east vs west, and I’ve heard good arguments from both sides, but I wanted to see if I couldContinue reading “English vs. Mandarin: Which Will Dominate the World?”

What you Should be Doing Instead of Networking

Networking. There is perhaps no word more overused in the business world, and no word that more serves as the bane to my existence. Now, there’s clearly an importance to meeting people. Connecting with others can lead to new doors and avenues that were previously out of reach. What I dislike is the commoditizing ofContinue reading “What you Should be Doing Instead of Networking”