You Can’t Do It All Alone

We talk a lot about both diversification and diversity, yet describe them as if they’re fundamentally different concepts. However, I don’t think the diversification we might talk about over investing is all too different from the diversity we talk about in the corporate field. Both come with the same major advantage; an advantage that followsContinue reading “You Can’t Do It All Alone”

The Shame Economy

Okay, so it’s been a bit longer than “a few weeks”, but I did promise back in June in my “How One Joke Can Ruin Your Life” post that I’d elaborate a bit on what I call “The Shame Economy”. My thoughts on that got sidetracked after some time, but I think with some currentContinue reading “The Shame Economy”

How Kanye West and Hideo Kojima are Alike

Both Kanye West and Hideo Kojima have been very big creative inspirations of mine for a long time now. Beyond both releasing new content pretty close in time to each other, I think an important story on creativity and the artistic process reveals itself when you peel back the curtain and realize just how similarContinue reading “How Kanye West and Hideo Kojima are Alike”

Dow 30,000

Back during the tech boom of the 2000s, there was a saying going around that the market would be carried by internet firms so far that the Dow Jones Industrial Average would go from 10,000 to 30,000 in the span of a few years. Of course, the subsequent bust crushed that dream. But here weContinue reading “Dow 30,000”